Monday, July 4, 2011

Remembering my gratitude

Psalm 26:7 “That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving,and tell of all Your wondrous works.”

I momentarily lost my gratitude this morning, I awoke under a cloud. The heat is oppressive, and it has only just begun. But my desire to be thankful drove me outside......I needed to feel the air, however stifling. To be outdoors, to know that life was still good, very good. In fact, to feel a certain way is so much a choice. I chose again and will choose again and again......Gratitude.
I walked along and like a whispered breeze it flew through my soul as if through an open window......I thought of vacation just passed. The walk we took along the beach, peering through little alleyways. Feeling the ocean rush over my toes......It already seems so far away. Reality rushes in so fast. But I remember moments frozen in time. Held close.

It fog lifted once again. A bit of the gloom melted off and I could see the sun peeking out once more.

This freedom we celebrate today is born of many people making a stand......sacrificing so that we could, as a country, as a people be unoppressed by others. Freedom is an incredible luxury that must never be taken for granted. Sometimes I still do though......

I forget what Christ did for me........what He set me free from. So today, I remember the many ways I can celebrate and be thankful for freedom.
Time spent away.....relief from the heat of an Arizona summer for a little enjoy open windows for a few days.....I am thankful for the freedom to feel, think and be a certain way, knowing that others have severe limitations on their choices......Freedom of the road, the joy of the journey.....Time together with friends and family, making memories......Thankful for a special person who took care of everything while we were gone.......Thankful always, for God who bestows so many undeserved blessings, even when I grumble and complain when I shouldn't.

 Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God.....1 John 1:3

holy experience

Happy Fourth of July everyone! We are free indeed.........

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