Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Song around the throne

Don't you wonder where it comes from? That hymn that you almost forgot? It shows up when you are tired, or anxious, or fearful. Or maybe it's a verse that comes just when you need it. They float in and out. Sometimes they are like a little whisper deep in your soul.

That's the Holy Spirit. He can't keep from singing....and in the quiet places in my soul, I join in. I may be anxious, or scared, or worried. But when I hear His song, my own spirit sings along. The arrow of truth sinks deep. It's His way of reminding me.

Jesus is all I need. Jesus is all I need. That's the one I kept hearing this morning. Yes, I know He is. My mind and all my past experiences and logic tell me so and I know it to be true. He is more than enough. It's my heart that falters, slow to get the message.

I was worried about my Mom yesterday. They had to give her a new medication because her heart was beating too fast. The Doctor mentioned stroke. I realized again that someday, sooner than later, I will have to live without her, and I don't want to.

Jesus is enough, yes. But I want her here too. I can't think that she won't be here as long as I will.

I was so distracted and worried that it took someone with Alzheimer's in the passenger seat to tell me that I had the green arrow....that was right after I heard the loud honking behind me.

Then I got irritated at them because they were impatient and I honked back.

As my cousin would say, Onward Christian Soldiers.

Sometimes it does feel like a war.

Inside me He is singing and I am doing my best to sing along. There is an endless song around the throne of God that I like to imagine. And it never stops.

That's the one the Holy Spirit sings....and its the one we will all sing one day, by and by.


  1. After I read this, I said a little prayer for you. Hope today gets better for you.

  2. Yes, thank you Nikole....and for praying, it worked :-) it always does. Lori


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