Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Emptying Ourselves

Enjoy....don't forget to turn my playlist off!

Use my hands use my feet
To make Your kingdom come
To the corners of the earth
Until Your work is done
Faith without works is dead
On the cross Your blood was shed
So how could we not give it away so freely?

Leeland, sung by Brandon Heath

Thought this was a wonderful video. I had this song playing on my morning walk and I was thinking about how we spend most of our lives trying to fill ourselves, when actually we are called to empty ourselves for others. It is only with the help of God's Holy Spirit that we can do this without resentment and discouragement. It is not easy, but without Him it is truly impossible. And in the midst of it all He provides the strength and knowledge that nothing we do for Him is in vain.......That is His promise, and He will follow through when everyone else walks away.

"Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew19:26 


  1. Truth, sister, that is truth.


  2. I am SO glad He doesn't! Always like to see your name pop up under the comments :-)Lori


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