Sunday, October 31, 2010

Thoughts on a Sunday Morning.......

Now the tax collectors and "sinners" were all gathering around to hear him. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them." Luke 15: 1,2

Jesus knew that they were muttering, and He knew just what they were muttering about......then knowing full well they were hanging on His every word (they couldn't help themselves) He zings them with the parable about the lost sheep. Luke 15: 3-7

I wish I could have seen their reactions......I was reflecting on how He must think of how we sometimes "do church." Let me rephrase that, how I do church. I imagine Him answering the question much like this.

"If it doesn't change your life, make you go out into my world and seek my lost sheep, do the work I sent you to do, then what good is it? I have plenty of people and angels to praise Me right here in Heaven. There is a whole world out there that needs saving, that is broken, hungry, cold, needs shelter, needs to see my Light in you.......Love them as I have loved you."

I am thinking of happy memories today, grateful for a Baptist mother who wasn't afraid to let us enjoy the fun parts of Halloween. My Dad came to the Lord later in life and after he did we still enjoyed dressing up and setting up the "spook" in the hall every Halloween. I can never pass a Halloween day without thinking of all of his grand costume ideas, and us carving pumpkins together on a crisp fall day. I just called him to reminisce and laugh about our memories and he told me that there was what was supposed to be a small event for Halloween that quickly turned into 400 people parading through the streets dressed in all manner of evil costumes. It is sad that something so innocent has turned into what it is now for some.....Lady Gaga dressed as meat. What next?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great post Lori. I agree, we can never get too comfortable with our faith, we are always being invited to do more, go deeper, love stronger. I think it's wonderful that you have such great memories. There are some scary things out there influencing our children. We must stay strong in faith and keep praying.


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