Monday, October 11, 2010

Multitude Monday

Photo courtest of Vermont Outdoor Guide Association
I see the man of sorrows and his long troubled road
I see the world on his shoulders and my easy load…..Sara Groves, "When the Saints"

Lately I have been speculating on what it really means to follow Christ. It's a question I ask myself here in my sheltered comfortable corner of life. This is hard to put into words. I have been mulling it over for several weeks now. God has placed in my heart a question and a challenge. I have been aware of another road that is taking shape just beyond the edge of my thoughts. I see Jesus and others walking on it and I find myself wondering what my life would look like if I really stepped beyond the borders of my safe existence and said yes to giving Him everything.

For He is always asking something......I just don't always listen. I was challenged yesterday when I saw a quote from Katie's blog, in it she says,  "If we are really following Jesus, we will go to the hard places. Being a Christ follower mean being acquainted with sorrow. Because we must know sorrow to be able to fully appreciate joy. Joy costs pain, but the pain is worth it."

I have the luxury of asking the question, the ones already doing the work of Christ know they are doing what He asks, they don't need to ask the question......But asking the question is good. Just the asking takes courage sometimes. I don't believe God wants us to browbeat ourselves and render us immobile with guilt. He wants us to look in our hearts and find out what He is asking of us right now, this very moment. There is always something He is asking us to do.  Being obedient to the simple things....... Knocking on a neighbor's door, making a phone call to that person that God whispers to my spirit, driving across town to pray with a friend who is struggling.

Lord, help me right now to be obedient and open to Your Spirit. Help me never be afraid to ask the hard questions, for they can lead me closer to You. Keep my heart soft and my tongue filled with kindness and help me to see through Your eyes of compassion the needs right around me. Amen

"When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:36-38

I continue my endless counting today, with Ann and many others..........for there is much to be thankful for today and everyday.....Your tender mercies, friendly faces that smile back, cool breezes through the window, words that inspire, joy in simple accomplishments, yellow sliver moons, purple mountains at sunset, stars that shine in the desert, groceries in the pantry, courageous people being the Hands and Feet of God all over the world, Moms that send leaves in the mail. #496-#506

holy experience


  1. What a wonderful post! My husbands grandfather sends leaves from Wisconsin to my sister in law every so often.

    I love that Sara Grove song! I always turn up the volume in the car when it comes on.

  2. Hello Lori I just love how you open up when you blog..It is refreshing to see people open up their relationship with Christ.

  3. Oh, thank you both for your comments! I am going to visit your sites now....Lori


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