Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Heaven is for Real

"See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven. Matthew 18:10

Ever want to see what Heaven might look like through the eyes of a four year old boy? I couldn't resist picking this book up as I strolled by the book aisle at Costco. I usually try to stay away from that section, but this is one I just had to buy.  It beckoned me, it did. I always want to hear what children say, since Jesus thought they were pretty important.

To be honest, my motive for buying it was simple. I wanted a bit of escape from this life for few hours. I had read "90 Minutes in Heaven" and found it to be totally credible. I ended up reading this one in a couple of hours. The book chronicles little Colvin Burpo's journey to Heaven as he lays in surgery after his appendix ruptures on a family vacation.

To hear Colvin's descriptions, as only a four year old would tell it, is precious. We have no way of knowing if he actually went there. Maybe it was a very powerful dream, maybe it was a vision. Maybe he actually went. I do believe that in these last days, we are seeing many things that the Bible talks about. I also think that as time goes on, we will see more of them.

"And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions."

This much is true. God wants us to go to Heaven and be with him when we die. In Colvin's own words:"Well, Jesus told me that he died on the cross so that we could go see His Dad."

I believe that what little Colvin saw was real. I think there is wonderful potential in these types of books, and that is to point the way to the truth of Scripture. I loved how Colvin's Dad, who is a Pastor, provides Scripture verses after several examples of what Colvin saw, constantly letting his son tell his story his own way and in his own time. This is a very close family, and a very real family. At one point while Colvin was in surgery and they thought he wouldn't make it, his Dad tells about how he went into a room and raged at God while praying.

Later Colvin describes that during the time he was in surgery he recalled seeing his Dad in that room praying and his mother in another room, also praying and talking on her cell phone. That gave me chills, since they never told Colvin any of that.

One thing is for sure. Heaven is for real and God wants us to go there.

Sometimes it takes a child to remind us.


  1. a couple of my girlfriends and I were just talking about this book...

    I haven't read it, but one had and the other girl was asking "do you believe it?" The one who had read it says, "yes, I do."

    Regardless, I'm countin' on heaven... and I like reminders from all kinds of places...

  2. As am I, my friend. Another wonderful one is "Travel Guide to Heaven" By Anthony DiStefano (I think) Wonderful, wonderful :-) Lori

  3. Hi Lori,
    Yes heaven is for real and God wants us to go there. I have seen this book, maybe I may just have to go and read it.


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