Monday, November 1, 2010

The Wildness of God

"There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world." John 1:6-9

There is an unsolicitious and ungenteel quality about the desert Christians that makes them especially attractive in our current climate of sentimentalized, "feel good" spirituality.......The desert, as a place where one expects nothing, becomes the source of the hauntingly unexpected: this unpredictability formed the robust spirituality of the desert monks.

Not surprisingly, their God was no different from their place. Theirs was not, as John Crowe Ransom once described, a "God without thunder," having been thoroughly housebroken and made presentable to the cultural elite of the day. Their God remained mystery--feared certainly, and much loved, but never understood.  Belden C. Lane, The Solace of Fierce Landscapes

Nature is wild and mirrors something of God because we can't control it. I think that is why we are so attracted to it. We must also realize that we need to have a bit of healthy respect for it as well. The desert I live in has been tamed, groomed to be fit for humans. We have lawns, watering systems, good roads, every convenience we could ever want. It resembles little of the barren and empty place it started out. And yet, just on the edge of where I live is a vast and lonely place where coyotes cry and desert critters thrive and survive....God has taught them how. He will speak to us in this place if we are quiet and still enough to listen. I have heard, when I get away from the freeway, the traffic, the noise that people make, when I close my eyes I can hear the voice of one crying in the wilderness carried across the desert winds.....

"Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him. Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough places smooth. And all mankind will see God's salvation." Luke Chapter 3: 4-6

Continuing to count blessings today and show gratitude for all the ones who went before to show me God's ways......Sunday school teachers who volunteered their time. People who took an interest and answered questions I had. Parents who showed me God through nature and through their lives, and through the Word. Friends who have prayed with me through the years. Countless Pastors, Pastor's wives who have faithfully preached in season and out of season. Bible study leaders who open their homes and their hearts. The Holy Spirit, teacher of all truth. Bloggers who write what God has layed on their hearts to share. #517-526

"In God's wildness lies the hope of the world." John Muir

holy experience


  1. Beautiful Lori! The desert has always intrigued me. There's nothing to hide you, and nothing complicated. A simple vast expanse where you and God come face to face. I love reading the wisdom of the desert fathers, our first and best pshchologists.

  2. Andie, I have never read many of the desert fathers....just lines here and there, but I am thinking I need to delve deeper! There is something very intriguing about the desert isn't there? Lori


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