Sunday, November 14, 2010

My Redeemer Lives

I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. Job 1:25

The reason why Job could go through everything he did and still rejoice in His God means that we can too. He was able to rejoice because we serve a God who is very much alive......He is fighting for you today.

This lesson was brought home again to me in prayer this morning. I went out, my prayer journal and Bible in hand, lit my candle, sat down ready to hear from God in the silence, except I didn't hear silence, I heard the hum of construction. It may as well have been as loud as a set of drums. It was all I could hear.

Then I decided to write a prayer in my prayer book. This is as far as I got before my penlight went out......"I am standing in prayer for Elaine today......." No more light. So I said the rest of the prayer for her. I felt the particular helplessness of knowing that my best friend is in a pit slugging it out with the enemy and wanting to help her out of it. The best way is prayer.....

But the hum was so distracting. I decided to go and get my head phones. I could still hear the construction hum so I put a song on. This is where God was leading me all along.

Nicole C. Mullen singing, Redeemer

The message was heard loud and clear..........

Who taught the sun where to stand in the morning?
and Who told the ocean you can only come this far?
and Who showed the moon where to hide 'til evening?
Whose words alone can catch a falling star?
Well I know my Redeemer lives
I know my Redeemer lives:
Let all creations testify
Let this, life within me cry
I know my Redeemer lives, yeah.

Tears came.......He has already given us the victory by raising from the grave, thank you Lord, how could I ever forget, even momentarily.....My prayer this morning was answered.....

After I heard the song, I went out and saw an impossibly bright star toward the Superstition Mountains....."He who has named all the stars and hung them in space has the power to bring us through.....thank you Lord! I rejoice in God my savior this morning.


  1. Hi Lori... this is one of my favourite songs. i sing it every other day. with you praying for your friend.

    Have a wonderful week ahead.

  2. Oh how I love that song. I got to hear Nicole sing that one live at the Women of Faith conference several years ago.

  3. Oh thank you both, it means so much to know such wonderful women in this community, we can all be in each other's corner! Love you so,


  4. Wow Lori, I guess that God really wanted you to hear that song today - just think of how he set it all up. He cares so much he'll do whatever it takes. I really liked your story and the fact that you didn't give up at the first distraction...that speaks volumes.

  5. Yes, Andie He will do whatever it takes, that is how much He loves us!


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