Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before. 1 Thessalonians 4:11

There is something divine about the simplistic beauty of doing tasks around the house......around the yard. There are times when everything you set out to do seems thwarted by some sinister being you can't see, and then there are those times where everything flows and there is a rhythm in it. One task leads to another and there is supreme satistaction that comes when a task is complete. A peacefulness.

That was today.

I wonder about the time when I will no longer be able to "do." I think that Jesus will come back before then but I really don't know. The way the world is going, I don't think He can keep from coming down and straightening this mess out for very much longer. But that's just me. I wonder about the "full number" the Bible talks about. I picture Jesus on His throne in His Nikes just waiting for that magic number to come up, and Him coming down here faster than a lightning bolt.

I wonder about the trumpet blast. I wonder if I will really be ready or if he will catch me off-guard. Every now and then I go to a movie on a Sunday, and I sincerely hope He doesn't come back on one of those times. I have just enough Baptist in me not to want that to happen.

Funny the thoughts that float around in this little 'ole mind of mine.

That's me today, just thinkin thoughts and writing them down.......


  1. I too wonder if that Day might be soon. But in the meantime, we must be about letting Him live His life inside of us. My prayer is to shine His light so others might come to know Him, including some members of my family I've prayed for years about.

    blessings and love,

  2. I loved your thoughts! You're not alone in thinking them, and some of the images (like Jesus in Nikes) sure made me smile. Thanks for that, Lori!


  3. Oh what a day that will be, but until then like you said Debbie, our prayers and letting the Holy Spirit live and move through us is the best thing we can do. So many are not ready it makes my heart break....some in my own family :-( My prayers are going up for our world! I know God has a sense of humor, I am counting on it. Thank you Debbie and Pam!


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