Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What makes us forget our passion?

 Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Revelations 2:4

It was sitting where I left it, on the floor by the chest of drawers in my bedroom. My camera, the one I was so proud and happy to splurge on. The one that has captivated me and made me forget everything.....made me think that maybe I had a spark of talent for this........

But then it happens. I get discouraged. Thoughts come that I know aren't right. I go on other sites and sabatoge myself. I think how much better the professionals are, the real photographers. I see how much they can do, and I want to be able to do it too. But that voice whispers thoughts, warped ones. And I listen. Sometimes.

Don't we all from time to time? Life wears us down and we forget our passion, our first love. That one thing we could always do that made us forget everything else. Or that one special person who could always make us smile, feel fully alive. My brother used to do wonderful woodwork. He could make wood as smooth as glass.......he had the patience for it. Since the divorce, he hasn't built a thing and it makes me so sad.  

The voice of despondency, and discouragement whispers that it can never be revived again, that it's not possible. But that voice would be wrong. God can bring new life into anything. Marriages, talents, old friendships long gone, that thing you used to do that brought such passion, such life.

And Jesus said to him, "'If You can?' All things are possible to him who believes."

One thing I know to be true. If you have joy and passion for something, that is a gift from God. And by doing that thing you are honoring Him. Don't give up, don't listen to the negative voices that bring death. Choose life.

Pick up that paintbrush, that saw, that drill, that pen......that microphone......that hammer. 

That camera. And do it to the glory of God just for the love of it.  He will absolutely bless it. And He will make you better than you ever thought possible. And you know what, no one can do that thing exactly the way you do it anyway. You bring your own special beauty to it in a way no one else can.

This morning, I listened to my own preaching. I lifted my camera out of the case and apologized to it and to God.

And in the early morning, I sat and clicked. I captured Daddy quail along the wall, and then saw Mom with three chicks. Then the woodpecker came into view, banging on the satelite dish as always.......and then the pigeons got into the act because I had just put out bread.....

By the time I left them to their bread and their bath......I was alive again.


  1. I guess the Lord is trying to get through to me. This is the 3rd reference to passion I have some across in two days....
    By the way-you have a real gift for words, too, and as far as comparing yourself to other photographers-Lori-are you nuts????I mean, your photos are amazing. I think you are not seeing them.
    Love you.

  2. Oh sweet Debra, thank you. I guess we see the best in others and have blinders on when it comes to ourselves sometimes...Thank you and bless you, Lori

  3. What a wonderful reminder that we are each simply individually fashioned vessels for God's use. And all that He requires is for us to make ourselves available. THEN.... watch what He can do in us and through us. Not to the glory and honor of others - not for the comparison of others. But to His honor and glory and for our good.
    Thank you. I needed this one today. Going to get my pencils and charcoals out and do some sketching!

  4. Awesome.....get out there and do it to His glory! Lori


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