Monday, May 14, 2012

The Wonderful Sameness of God

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

From my prayer journal:

The wonderful "sameness" of God. It is quite a thing to contemplate. While the conversion experience itself may vary from person to person, but the end result is the same.......we are born anew, fused with a Holy God for eternity. At one point in our lives we had a crisis of soul. We had to answer the question once and for all. Am I going to walk God's way or my way? Once we are faced with the facts, we must do something with them.

We can read the words of St. Augustine from AD 386 as he reels under the weight of his soul struggle in a garden long ago, and it resonates with us because it happened to us too and it speaks to the wonderful sameness of our God. Where it actually happens doesn't matter, but what does matter is this........Once the Holy Spirit taps you on the shoulder, there is no doubt about who it is that is speaking to you.

Change is now so much a part of our daily life that we think of it as normal. At any given time at work I have to be ready to change, do something different, learn something new, or train someone else on what I already know. But I can count on one thing to not ever change......God.

He is the same yesterday, today and forever. And so are His standards. It's a wonderful thing to be able to count on.

Then you called me and cried to me and broke through my deafness! You sent forth your beam, the light of your magnificently beautiful presence. You shone your Self upon me to drive away my blindness. You breathed your fragrance upon me....and in astonishment I drew my I pant for you! I tasted you, and now I hunger and thirst for you......You touched me, and I burn to live within your peace. Augustine, Confessions 10

Collecting thanks today with the body of believers everywhere........the wonderful sameness of our God, that He always hears the cries of the heart and is quick to morning breezes and being to still sit outside......small moments of peace that make it easier to go on.....being so thankful for being able to tell my Mom how grateful I am for her yesterday......watching little seedling reach for the sky......a fresh batch of library books, oh joy.......stories with happy endings.......being a listening ear for someone who needs it........the surprise rainstorm we got........the grace of being thankful when the road gets hard because God is worthy of it. #888-899

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