Friday, March 23, 2012

What is scattered in me....

Is someone among you in trouble? He should pray. Is someone feeling good? He should sing songs of praise. James 5:13

Let all who take refuge in you be glad. Let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, so that those who love your name may rejoice in you. For surely, Oh Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround then with favor as a shield. Psalm 5: 11,12

"In all things that I contemplate as I am consulting you, I find no secure place for my soul except in you. And in you, I pray that what is scattered in me may be brought together, so that no part of me may be apart from you.

Sometimes when you are working within me, bringing my scattered self to you, you draw me into a state of feeling that is unlike anything I am used to, a kind of sweet delight. I know that if this spiritual state were made permanent in me it would be something not of this world, not of this life...." St. Augustine, confessions 10

I started to write something below this quote but realized it is perfect just the way it is........No addition needed. Also, my dear Mom turns 83 today. I am so glad she was born, and not just because she had me! She is a miracle all by herself. I love you Mom!


  1. To have your mother .... enough said.

    and indeed our savior is not "of this world" --- thankfully.

    great word...

  2. Wonderful quote. Birthday blessings to your mother.

  3. Yes, I am so glad I still have my dear Mom (and Dad too) What a blessing they are still so healthy and active! Thank you, Susan and Harriet!


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