Monday, March 5, 2012

Teachable Moments

Peace in my heart, peace in my home, peace in my world.

Depart from evil and do good; Seek peace and pursue it. Psalm 34:14

We gathered yesterday for lunch with two friends, believers, and ended up sitting around that table until late afternoon. We talked of earthly problems and heavenly things. We all agreed that life was tough and a struggle. I think the consensus was that if it weren't for the purpose we all have here, our loved ones, we would be ready to leave this world for looking back.

When we gather with believers, we bring a bit of Heaven down to earth, if only for a moment. We were saying how every now and then there is a peace we feel. Thoughts settle like floating manna and for just a moment all is right, all will be right, and all is well, at least in our world.

We talked of teachable of which was explaining death to children. David had had a close call last year and it had to be addressed, unexpectedly to the Grand kids. One of them, the little girl was very excited that her Grandpa would be with Jesus. How many teachable moments are there is a parent's life, and they miss it because too much life is pressing in? But that one moment may make the difference for all eternity.

Might save much heartache down the road.

That led me to start thinking about my own "teachable moments." I wondered just how many times in my life has God probably been trying to teach me something and I missed the opportunity. I don't even want to go there.

But now that He has opened my eyes to it, maybe I can be soft enough to get that lesson He has for me. I am thankful today, as I begin to list again my blessings.

I am reminded of my WORD for 2012, which is peace. I am like that stop sign, I "ain't gonna stop" until I get it. I want to be a peacemaker in my own world this year. Instead of nursing hurt feelings I want to release them to the Lord. Instead of worrying my days away, I want to cultivate trust in my Savior.

Peace in my heart, Peace in my home, Peace in my world......


Lying awake at the tide of thoughts rushing in this morning, I was thankful that I didn't have to get up in the dark and go to work.

Squeaky floors that say I am home, and so are you

Fellowship with friends around a table once again

Cooing doves that accompany my prayers

The silly woodpecker that insists the satelite dish is a tree

Geese flying overhead

Thankful, so thankful for the sounds I hear

A new Easter flag, flying purple and yellow and pink against the sky

Bones that ache and remind me that I can walk and move

Knowing the King of Peace has me


1 comment:

  1. Teachable Moments are Very Valuable
    in Life as Divine Appointments.
    Precious as Gold and Silver in the
    Treasures of Heaven.
    Blessings Bill


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