Friday, March 2, 2012

The enjoyment of being found.....

Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; Philippians 3:8,9

I found you! I said as I chased her around the tree and she shrieked for joy......I was playing with my niece when I was back home last. Her new game is hide and seek and she loves being found! She hasn't quite gotten the hang of tag yet. When she talks on the phone, she walks around the house and thinks I can see what she's holding up, maybe that's because she Skypes with her Mommy and sissy......And she doesn't like saying goodbye......we have that in common. She comes with the joy that is unique to special needs kids.

She is like anyone else, she loves being found, and belonging to someone. Isn't that what we all want after all? We want to feel that feeling of seeing the one we love winding their way through a crowd to meet us, just us. And then the scrape of the chair when they pull it next to you.....they are there, you are no longer alone, someone has claimed you. They know things about you that no one else does....

Sometimes we even seek to be claimed by those who really don't have our best interests at heart, but their own.

When Jesus claims us, we can be sure that He has our best interests at heart always. And He will never lead us down a path of destruction, but life, and peace. And because of our relationship with Him, we are also claimed by the Father and the Spirit!

Jesus endured that long, lonely 40 days of temptation in the desert so that we will never have to be without Him again....and those of us who live in the desert know just how bleak it can be, especially in the summer.......He endured the cross so that we can say with the unbridled joy of a child peeking out from behind a tree....."You found me!"

He rose from that awful death so that one evening not so far in the distant future, in a another place, we will be walking in the cool of the evening in a place we can can only dimly imagine, and He will be there to meet us and say, "There you are, I have been looking for you, just you."

And that time, we won't be hiding behind fig leaves........


  1. Looking forward to evening walks and times around the table with Jesus. Now, I hold them dimly. Then, I will hold them clearly, face-to-face.

    Finding and being found. Truly, the heart of a faithful pilgrim. Keep to it.


  2. Absolutely! What a day that will be....Until I am keepin on keepin on! Always good to hear from you, what a blessing. Lori

  3. Found.

    Nuff said.

    The opposite of that is lost.

    Nuff said.

    Love this. Love the story of your niece... :)


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