Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Meeting God in a garden

"Kiss of the sun for pardon. Song of the birds for mirth. You're closer to God's heart in a garden than any place else on earth." -- Dorothy Frances Gurney

It is good to be able to find a quiet corner of the yard in the mornings. I used to do this when I had a garden and I miss it. I would go and the outdoor stray cat would follow me, her white patches turning blissfully brown as she gleefully rolled in the freshly tilled earth. She was happy to share her territory with me.

Sometimes I felt I could actually hear the plants grow, reaching for the sun. If I got very close, at eye level with the plants I was aware of a whole new universe. I would see the dew drops, and the small bugs crawling in their world, unaware of me and the bigger world surrounding them.

God placed us here lovingly and called it good long ago....

I keenly felt a closeness with my Grandparents there, I have heard all their stories, them trying to scratch out a living from the hard North Dakota soil. How they came home one day to a flash flood, my Grandma desperately gathering chicks up in her apron and bringing them in to try and save them. Tunnels from the house to the barn in the bitter cold of winter so that my Grandpa and Aunt could milk the cows....And saying goodbye to all their animals, each one named, when they left for a better life in California.

They left behind a little grave holding their child Annie, fatally shot by a foster child at aged two. The boy ran away and they never found him. I can't imagine their sorrow. They made it out West, not without difficulty. They started over, pressed on and made a very good life. And their gardens always flourished

They have been reunited with their Annie for many years now, but I remember by being here with them in my quiet moments, I honor their memory and press on.....

"Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed." Genesis 2:8


  1. Lori, I want to say thank you for a wonderful post. I'm so glad I found you. You have a heart like mine. How I love to find a corner, whether in a real garden,back yard, park, or my kitchen table....time spent with the Lover of my Soul.
    I will add you to my favorites....and be back.

  2. Hi Wanda, I am so glad...a kindred spirit. Welcome to my little "corner" Looking forward to it! Blessings to you! Lori

  3. I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come on over to my blog and check it out. God's blessings too you. Lloyd

  4. Welcome Lloyd! I am on my way there now....Thank you so much for the kind comments, blessings to you and yours, Lori


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