Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dealing with Disappointment

We have all felt the weight of disappointment. It's crushing, sometimes debilitating. When it's due to circumstance it is frustrating enough, but when it is caused by people we care about, the hurt sinks deeper. It may be that they have no clue of the depth and impact their decision made on you. But there is One who does.

It washes over you in waves. You think you are over it, then you get another reminder, a text, a phone call. You want to tell them, "Hey, I am still smarting from this, while you seem to be going about your business as if everything is normal." I am not okay yet.

There is only one thing we can do with disappointment, and that is to lay our battered heart at the cross of the One who knows how it feels. Talk it all out with Him. He knows how it feels to be disappointed over and over again by people. But He gave that to the Father. Somehow I think He did this when He went alone to quiet places to pray. I think He did this often, to renew His strength. To keep going, to keep loving, no matter what the cost.

Stand on the shore today, if only in your mind. Feel your disappointments wash away and be taken out to sea with every cleansing wave. Know that you will heal because of your relationship to the Healer.

Jesus was disappointed by people everywhere He went. He more than anyone knew the capacity for failure in the human heart. But He never stopped reaching out, He counted the cost and He figured we were worth it. He knew we would disappoint him, but it didn't matter, He knew He must keep offering love.

Give your offerings, your every disappointment to Him today. Let the Holy Spirit bind your heart today with His peace.

"When he rose from prayer and went back to the disciples, he found them asleep, exhausted from sorrow. "Why are you sleeping?" he asked them. "Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation." Luke 22:45,46


  1. Wise words to share about disappointment. I always try to remember to lay it all out before Him, instead of calling a friend and telling them all about how I got hurt. Jesus understands and also knows the heart of each one of us. Often the people who hurt others are hurting themselves.

  2. Yes, Debbie...I find tremendous comfort in that, although sometimes I tell a friend before I can stop myself! :-0 Blessings and peace to you...Lori


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