Monday, November 12, 2012

Two to a car

But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head. I cried to the Lord with my voice, And He heard me from His holy hill. Psalm 3:3,4
This morning I went out to pray like a monk, I was glad there was a hood on my sweatshirt, because all of a sudden it has turned cold.....cold for here anyway. As I lit my "prayer lantern" I sank into my chair and bowed my head. There are so many things I am thankful for, why do I feel such despair at times? I have a good job and people who love me. I am doing some writing and there are actually people who get something out of what I write. I am constantly surprised by joy over that.
But there is another thing I have been fighting, and it's a big one. I hesitate to even write about it because I don't think I can put it into words. And yet I must because writing is my way way up.
I've been fighting this thing. It's called "The Change." There is a reason they call it that. I wondered and wondered why I have felt this way and it suddenly hit me.
I am grieving. Grieving who I was before.
Who has taken my old happy life and what have they done with it?
As it hit me, tears gushed. And part of it was the relief of knowing. The other part is the not knowing. I don't know what waits on the other side of this tunnel. Every now and again normalcy touches down and I breathe a sigh of relief.
My faith holds me now. I howl like a wounded animal on the inside because I don't want anyone to hear.
I walk down the Christmas aisles at the store and I want to cry. Pumpkin pie filling makes me cry. People being kind to me makes me cry.
I drive on the freeway and I feel the white heat of anger lashing out. I call unsuspecting people all kinds of names they don't deserve. They are just trying to get home, after all.
I am losing what I fought so hard to get back when I starved myself.  The part of me that was always a reminder of
How do you let go of something you have had all your life? And who will I be on the other side of this.....will it make me less than I am right now?
How do you go about going through a change that will usher in the last phase of your life, especially when you still wear Miss Me jeans and buy your clothes in the junior section?
I got up and wiped my nose on my sleeve. And God gave me something, just a little vision of hope. I was sitting on the little train I used to ride at the Santa Cruz beach boardwalk. It was two to a car....And in the seat beside me: Jesus rode.
And He promised he would be with me all the way through. And I know He will, He's a man of His word. Yes, there is much comfort in two to a car.
“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5


  1. Lori~
    I have felt just what you are feeling, and even thought the same thoughts. I am just 2 years into the change, so right now I think I have adjusted. I still cry over things like the kindness of people, as you said, but I feel those times are especially sweet. Now I notice things I may have overlooked before. I had one day of fear over getting 'old'-whatever that is. And then I just walked up the road and smelled the trees and leaves and dirt.

    It's still wonderful.

  2. Blessings helps to know others who have already been "down that road" I do notice the little things too, and I don't think that will ever leave, thanks to my wonderful parents and others around me who truly enjoy nature and the beauty of life....Thank you for your faithful comments friend. Lori

  3. I love it when God directs my little clicker finger to find a link to read in a link up and I find a voice that resonates so purely with my own and His....this is you today. Thanks Dear Sister!

    Lorretta at Dancing on the Dash


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