Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pockets of peace

Sometimes you just have to pull over to the side of the road.....find a little out of the way place and hide out for a spell. Especially at this time of year. It gets pretty crazy. The more people around me speed up, the more I want to slow down. I do this every year. I wear myself out. Not with buying, with doing.....

And this year, I haven't been able to make any plans because I still don't know if I can take the week of Christmas off. It makes it very difficult, expecially when you have to schedule flights. I don't do well with last minute. I want to plan, schedule. Finalize.

This has been an up in the air year. Ever feel like your life is in a holding pattern? Like you're flying around and around, waiting for the control tower to give you clearance to land but they never do?

I surprised myself the other day, when I realized that God is teaching me something through all this. He is helping me get better with this feeling of being out of control.

He has brought little pockets of peace in the chaos, here and there. Times of enjoyment.....laughter....and we thank God for them, every one.

It is really a relief when you finally let go.

You realize that there is peace to be found in that holding pattern above the clouds.


  1. Amen, I thank God for my "little pockets of peace" in all the chaos.

    May God bless you Lori and Merry Christmas,

  2. Pockets of peace -- I love that phrase -- the imagery conjures up the most pleasant idea of being "tucked" in to Him.

    Hugs, sweetie. He's got ya.

  3. "Holding Pattern" seems to be where I live.
    A pastor's wife once told me "Everything is preparation". I asked "preparation for what?" She responded "... for the next step."
    Over the years I've become accustomed to waiting and today I can find pockets of peace and even some contentment here. I've come to learn that I don't have to know when the next step will come or where it might take me. I just have to trust in the One who does.
    Thank you for this beautiful portrayal to find pockets of peace in trusting God.
    Hugs and wishes for a beautiful Christmas,

  4. What a peaceful walkway. I hope your Christmas days will be filled with that peace.


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