Monday, August 16, 2010

The Gift of Memory

Remembering, we settle into the rocker on the front porch, the front porch of our minds, and gaze out at the view. Sorting through, we pull up the pleasant memories and settle in for awhile. The view is great, and it's good to remember. Memory is one of God's best gifts. Practicing selective memory we can even edit out the ones that weren't so great and go on to the ones that were. Or if there weren't any, we can even manufacture our own version of the past.

My friend and her brother had an interesting conversation with their Mom once. Their memory was decidedly much different than hers was. You see she worked all the time, wasn't home, they signed their own report cards and what they heard most of the time growing up amidst the chaos was, "Get out of the house, I need to sleep!" She was saying that she made them cookies growing up. They both looked at each other incredulously, for she had never made a cookie in all their childhood. She didn't like desserts, so they didn't get them either. But they do remember making macaroni and cheese together in the middle of the night, that's one memory they hold onto.

Ask yourself what your child will remember of their childhood. What sights, sounds, smells, images will take them back, and will it be good? Will they remember laughter, or stony silence? Animated dinner conversation or the crackling air of irritation, impatience, anger. Will they remember trips taken as a family with pleasure or will they associate those trips with a sense of anxiety?

The wonderful thing about all memories good, bad or indifferent, is that they can draw us closer if we let them. Even the bad times have a wonderful way of bonding us together when we have traveled down the road a bit. We just have to let them do their work.

God has a memory book called the Bible. It is His Book of Remembrance. If we keep it close we will always remember who He is and who we are. It is His way of saying, "This is what happened, and it is a part of you too, it is your heritage, filled with stories of My people and yours. Read it, live it, and it will become part of you. Most importantly, it will carry you into eternity with Me."

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Deuteronomy 11:18

Not only that, the Bible is a living book, just like we are all living memories of what has come before and what will come after....

Keeping memories alive today with the counting......#401 opening tent flap disheveled to first heavenly cup of coffee, #402 a juice bar at the end of a hike, #403 rain on tent roof, #404 Mom's hands curling my hair for picture day, #405 brother and I getting in trouble for laughing at Grandma's table, #406 warm fronts, cold backs around campfire, #407 getting inside inner tube and rolling down Aunt's hill, #408 something baked from scratch waiting on counter after school, #409 the sound of metal skates on cement, #410, watching Dad sketch and make a beautiful drawing from nothing.....

holy experience


  1. Loved this. My daughter says she remembers cookies after school and little bagel pizzas. I don't remember these things as being a big deal, but to her they are precious memories.

  2. Love love LOVE your blog! I don't hear too many people use the term "prayer closet." I left a return comment for you on my blog. SO Glad to meet you, Lori. : )

  3. Hey Anne, on my way there now, so glad you stopped! My prayer closet is actually a prayer shed, if I shut the door to my closet my cat would drive himself crazy trying to fit under it! Oh well, the shed is much quieter!

    Sandra, isn't it amazing what kids remember. Mostly the little insignificant things we don't think much of! To them they are HUGE. Have a blessed day, both of you.


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