Thursday, February 11, 2010

Good report!

God does not exist to answer our prayers, but by our prayers we come to discern the mind of God. Oswald Chambers

"Cancer free!" Those were the Doctor's words this morning.....possibly one of the best phrases anyone could ever hear. My best friend heard it today after her latest ultrasound. I feel as if I have had a brush with death myself, that it was me and not her that narrowly escaped it. But when you go through it with them everything they feel is echoed by you. When it's someone so close, you take the deep exhilarated breath of relief right alongside them. Their fears become your own. So does the relief and joy when the outcome is good.

I wonder about me. Why was I so ready to hear bad news? I know I serve a mighty God and that I prayed for a healing so why am I so conditioned to prepare for the worst?

Going through the last week of this has changed me. My sense of compassion for others going through this has sharpened, all of life has become more precious. My soul is more keenly aware of others still waiting, trying to navigate through this particular shadow of fear.

I will carry this sense of heightened compassion with me; I pray I will not lose it. I pray also that it will be good news for others as it was for Elaine. I am thankful that God will keep them all in His palm of love.

Compassion is the keen awareness of the interdependence of all things. --Thomas Merton


  1. Hi Lori, my name is Jen--I came across your blog because we have some authors and music in common. :) I'm glad that your friend received good news today--wow, I loved your thoughts on how we pray, yet are suprised when they're answered. I know sometimes when it comes to praying "Let Your will be done", I tend to lean to the bad answer. But He's able to do above and beyond our expectations!
    Your thoughts on compassion were provoking...thank you for sharing what He's teaching you. :)

  2. Hi Jen, what kind comments and I am so glad we found each other. This is why I love blogging!It has truly been a blessing to me, we all learn from each other. What a great God we serve! Lori

  3. I am never ready to hear bad news. Can't get ready. Don't know how. Is it possible to prepare for what you can't know is coming?

    But that's okay. Because I realize that God is ready, and He's with me. He's never surprised, even when I am.

    Oh, and that's often.


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